| Varianta inbunatatita a versiunii 2100 din 1966 , primul lubrifiant semi sintetic pentru automobile. Dezvoltat pentru motoarele natural aspirate sau turbo construite dupa 1970, formulat cu tehnologie moderna a detergentilor, respecta cele mai recente standarde (API SH/ CF), ofera o foarte buna protectie la pronire si isi pastreaza vascozitatea pentru a oferi o presiune de ulei constanta.
Standarde: API SH/CF
Updated version of the 1966’s 2100, the first semi-synthetic lubricant in the automotive market. Developed for naturally aspirated and turbocharged original engines built after 1970. Semi-synthetic lubricant, formulated with modern technology detergent level. 2100 15W50 meets recent standards (API SH/ CF) and offers a better cold viscosity in order to reduce wear during engine start. Lubricant reinforced with a synthetic base (oxidation stability) allowing stay-in-grade viscosity for a continuous engine oil pressure.
Application: Engine lubricants
Engine Type: 4-Stroke
Quality: Technosynthese
Product Range: Car
Viscosity: 15W50 Share on Facebook |